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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

HBK Shant Michaels

You’re about to get some sweet chin music
  • Titles: 1* (co-manager w/Bomba)

  • 2nd Place: 2

  • Dominates against: Magnum Sev.i, Diddy

  • Most trouble versus: Bomba,


Historical Record: 95-86 (52%)

Post-Season Record: 7-10 (41%)



Team Pictures

HBK Shant Michaels

HBK Owner Shant

HBK Owner Shant

HBK is the loose cannon of the AFFL. He doesn't abide by rules or fantasy football decorum. He has a swagger all his own, and isn't afraid to make roster decisions he likes, no matter how controversial. Over the years, his teams have been left with a lot more "what could have beens" than triumphs, but that's how life is in the best fantasy league west of Yerevan. As one of the four founding members of the AFFL, Shant carries a lot of history with him. He began his career winning a title co-managing a team with the Atomic Bomba. Taking what he learned from that experience, he ventured on his own and established the HBK brand; a blend of flashy players and consistent producers. A little more finesse than power. After a four year absence from the post-season, HBK returned to prime time in '13 and '14. Can he keep the momentum going?

HBK Shant Michaels Memes

Current Keepers