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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


I’m Awesome.
  • Titles: 3

  • 2nd Place: 1

  • 3rd Place: 2

  • Dominates against: Prime Time, Jaj

  • Most trouble versus: Cobra Kai,

Career Record: 86-83 (49%)

Post-Season Record: 15-4 (75%)



Team Pictures



Awesomeness Owner David

Awesomeness Owner David

Entering the league in the 2008 season, Awesomeness wasted no time leaving his mark; reaching the finals in three consecutive seasons and winning it all in back-to-back years. During the Reign of Lalazarians, Awesomeness' teams were a powerful force that were practically unstoppable. Unabashed when it comes to drafting players from the same team, David uses a blend of instincts and statistics to hone in his players. When his teams are good, they are great. When they're not, it's downright ugly. After only making the post-season once between '12-'14, many wonder if the glory years have passed the Awesome one by. With the new season upon him, Awesome will have another shot to be Awesome once again and reclaim the glory he once had.

Awesomeness Memes