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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


Ara-FFL? Prime Time Owner New Acting Commissioner. Lala Goes MIA after Accusations of Unethical Behavior

Raffi Lalazarian


The AFFL Trade deadline is on Friday, and it looks like the League may have swapped something else besides players.

In a shocking twist, long-time commissioner Lalazarian has gone MIA after accusations by league managers of unethical behaviors. In his absence, Frank Samian, head of AFFL operations has sworn in Prime Time league owner Ara Malikian to take over all league activities and decision making.

11.08.17... when the AFFL changed forever

11.08.17... when the AFFL changed forever

"Well if I weren't a blind son-of-bitch, we don't know where the commish went," said a disgruntled and worn down Samian outside AFFL HQ early Thursday morning. "With the deadline approaching, we needed someone to approve trades, can't just have a fart in the wind sitting in the head chair. Ara was the logical choice."

During a conversation with league managers Sayyad and Harout over a possible changing of the trade deadline date, the Commissioner shot down any notion that the possibility of a trade would even be up for a vote. To this, manager of Cobra Kai went over the Commissioner's head and decided to conduct a vote anyway, prompting the commissioner to lash out in anger and ultimately leave the league entirely.

A video published early Thursday morning was released that showed the Commissioner in some sort of Vietnamese prison or Burmese half-way house giving his endorsement to Prime Time as the new acting commissioner. In the video, the Commissioner warns the league that they got what they had hoped for, and things would be very different now.

As for Prime Time, this is a sort of coup-de-gratis for him. He has long dreamed of taking over the AFFL and now has the chance to unleash his power on the rest of the 12 managers. We can only imagine what is to come. With Malikian no manager is safe, or should I say, no co-manager is safe.  This saga isn't over. Stay tuned.