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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Magnum Sev.i

Respect the Stache
  • Titles: 0

  • 2nd Place: 1

  • 3rd Place: 1

  • Dominates against: None

  • Most trouble versus: HBK Shant Michaels, Prime, Grabbers


Career Record: 57-85(40%)

Post-Season Record: 4-2 (67%)



Team Pictures


Magnum Sev.i

Magnum Sev.i Owner Sevag

Magnum Sev.i Owner Sevag

No matter what happens week to week, you must always respect the 'stache of the Sev.i. One of only a handful of teams that can claim top 3 finishes in multiple years, Magnum Sev.i is all about winning in style. Their rosters are usually built with an eclectic mix of players that, on paper, don't seem to mesh. When Sunday's come however, starters step-up for the Magnum man and everything falls into place. Owner Sevag came into the AFFL like a hurricane during his inaugural season, reaching the finals and finishing 2nd, becoming only the second team to claim such a feat. Nobody likes to play the mustache man's teams because they are typically loaded with big producers and difficult to contend with. Having finished in the top three in 2010 and 2012, Sev.i has to add more hardware to the trophy case before he can be considered in the top half of the AFFL.

Magnum Sev.i Memes

Current Keepers