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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Atomic Bomba

Always beware the bomba
  • Titles: 4

  • 2nd Place: 3

  • Dominates against: HBK, Grabbers, Vosgee, BDiddy

  • Most trouble versus: Shabam Shadiq

Career Record: 108-76 (59%)

Post-Season Record: 18-5 (78%)



Team Pictures

Atomic Bomba

Atomic Bomba Owner Raffi

Atomic Bomba Owner Raffi

When you talk about the Bomba, you are talking about the most successful franchise in the AFFL.  Four AFFL Titles. Back-to-Back Championships. Multiple second place finishes. The most successful franchise in the AFFL expects to win every week, every season. For the most part, the Bomba has delivered. With a method uniquely his own, Raffi has honed his instincts to accurately pick out players that will garnish future rewards time and time again. As the Commissioner and one of the four founding members of the league, the Bomba embodies all that the AFFL is, and that could be the reason why the AFFL karma has been with him so long. The game may be mostly luck, but the Bomba almost seems to control his own year in and year out.  Beware the Bomba.

Bomba Memes