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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


The Greatest AFFL Fantasy Performance that Nobody every Saw...

Raffi Lalazarian


The 200 point week. It's the apex of all fantasy targets. 9 rosters spots all singing in unison to heavenly heights, coming together as one for one glorious week of fantasy nirvana, cracking the 200 point barrier. It's the fantasy equivalent of running the 5 minute mile. Of breaking the sound barrier. Of eating 1 pound of bastarma and not sweating it out. In the fantasy world, the 200 point mark is that mark that would set line-ups apart for the ages. 

In the AFFL, the record books hold the honor of greatest fantasy performance by a team to BDiddy, who reached as close to the fantasy heavens as possible in 2011, when they put up 193.90 points. With only 7 points separating the team from the 200 point mark, the league was in frenzy watching the total climb little by little toward the 200 point plateau. Managers were glued to the score, wondering if BDiddy could be the first to reach the fantasy moon, and break the 200 barrier. He was close, but failed to reach it. The plateau would remain an ideal to dream about for years to come.

Managers in the AFFL were asked "will anyone break the 200 point mark?" Their responses were diplomatic. BDiddy exclaimed that there was no chance anyone could climb past the 193.90 mark. Grabbers said maybe, but it would be really difficult. And Hartan said he'll be doing that next week.

200 points.jpg

But what if someone already has? Yes. The infamous 200 point mark has already been achieved, yet nobody even knew about. The year: 2014. The team: The Atomic Bomba.

In 2014, the Atomic Bomba had a down season. The team was never able to put together a consistent run of weeks, finishing the season a lousy 6-7. The finish was just outside the playoff picture, and sent the team into the consolation bracket with a bye. While the consolation bracket forced managers to continue playing, nobody paid attention to the results, except the teams involved.


But in the week 14 game, a game that saw Bomba not play anyone, The Atomic Bomba set a meaningless line-up that would do what no other team had done: eclipse the 200 point mark. The roster featured Matt Ryan at QB, with Wr's AJ green, and Calvin Johnson. Running backs Arian Foster, and Fred Jackson, along with Isiah Crowell in the flex. Rounding out the line-up was Eric Ebron at TE, the Rams Def, and Mason Crosby.

With Bomba being on bye, the point total would not even show up on the consolation page, and the only person that would know what his starting line-up did would be Bomba. In fact, even he didn't realize the extent of his teams performance and only found out about the feat through the Yahoo record books. There, the books showcased the result of that week. 

Most points scored in a single week. The Atomic Bomba vs - 2014 inWeek 14- 200.90

"It was the greatest weekly performance that nobody ever saw," said AFFL historian Robert Zafarian. "The Bomba hit the 200 point mark and nobody knows about it."


Many have compared the feat to the Dream Team scrimage of 1990, one which featured 10 hall of famers squaring off in a no-holds barred pick-up game. The only proof of such a game was in a grainy video taken from inside the gym. It has been dubbed "the greatest game nobody ever saw."

For the Bomba, no screenshots, no final box scores exist, only the Yahoo confirmation that the starting line-up set during that week was worthy of 200.90 points. The lack of proof have many speculating that the 200 point score is a hoax, or a glitch, where the system tallied up the the total points on the roster. That however has been refuted by experts who acknowledge the authenticity of the books.

It is now 2017, and teams are still pursuing the 200 point apex, with little knowledge that it has already happened. Despite this however, teams forge ahead, planning, predicting and setting line-ups in hopes of hitting the mark during a game in the regular season, or in the playoffs, marking a championship run with the greatest performance in AFFL history. And if it happens again, maybe this time, people will see it.