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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Grabbers United

I’m feeling a little pinchy today
  • Titles: 0

  • 2nd Place: 2

  • 3rd Place: 1

  • Dominates against: Magnum

  • Most trouble versus: Bomba, Prime Time, Hartan, Jaj

Historical Record: 76-93 (46%)

Post-Season Record: 6-6 (50%)



Team Pictures

Grabbers United

Grabbers Owner Sassoon

Grabbers Owner Sassoon

One of the most liked teams in the league is Grabbers United. Owner Sassoon has felt his share of struggles since coming into the league in 2008, but hasn't let that keep the franchise down. Despite failing to make the playoffs in his first three seasons, Sassoon used the power of a newborn child to propel his team to the finals in 2011. The AFFL karma seems to join teams owned by new fathers for some reason. Nevertheless, Grabbers achieved what few have, a second place finish. With marked improvement in recent years, team United is slowly becoming one of the fast rising franchises in the league.

Grabbers Memes

Current Keepers