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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Jaj Cousteau

My team is going to Jaj on yo’ face
  • Titles: 1

  • 2nd Place: 0

  • 3rd Place: 1

  • Dominates against: Grabbers

  • Most trouble versus: Hartan, Awesomeness


Career Record: 72-84 (46%)

Post-Season Record: 6-5 (55%)


Team Pictures

Jaj Cousteau

Jaj Cousteau Owner Chris

Jaj Cousteau Owner Chris

Welcome to the wild card of the AFFL. If there is any team that would be considered to be off the radar, it's Jaj. His teams history is all about doing things that nobody expects. Because of that, he is incredibly difficult to predict. But that's Jaj for you. Owner Chris exploded onto the AFFL season in 2009 with a 9-4 record, topping the division. He followed that up with a 3rd place finish in 2010 and an early playoff exit in 2011. Typically more conservative in his drafting approach, a typical Cousteau team will have unheralded reserves  that produce like starters. Jaj always gets the most out of his players. His out-of-the-box ways rendered a title in 2015, becoming the fifth team to stake that claim. Now considered a top tier team, he'll look to add consistency to his franchise and creep slowly toward the class of elite.

Jaj Cousteau Memes

Current Keepers