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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Shabam Shadiq

Don’t worry. We’ll probably beat ourselves.
  • Titles: 1

  • 2nd Place: 0

  • Dominates against: BDiddy, Vosgee

  • Most trouble versus: Prime, Hartan

Career Record: 95-87 (52%)

Post-Season Record: 3-8 (27%)



Team Pictures

Shabam Shadiq

Hangin' Owner Andre

Hangin' Owner Andre

Bangin' Owner Avo

Bangin' Owner Avo

First they were Click Clack. Then the Curse. Then Lucky Charms. Eventually they became Hangin' & Bangin', but the team with no name is more than just a title chameleon, they are one of the founding franchises in the AFFL. Owners Dre and Avo teams are predicated on balance. Not a lot of flash. Just a whole lot of players that grind out wins. Notorious for being unlucky with injuries, few teams have to manage their "assets" off more than Hangin'.  A consistent playoff team, Bangin' has made the post season in  better than 50% of the years they've been in the league, but have yet to win a playoff game. It leaves the squad clamoring "this is the year." It very well could be.

Hangin' & Bangin' Memes

Current Keepers