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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Prime Time

Have a horrible day
  • Titles: 0

  • 2nd Place: 3

  • 3rd Place: 3

  • Dominates against: Grabbers, Shabam Shadiq

  • Most trouble versus: Awesomeness

Career Record: 101-81 (55%)

Post-Season Record: 16-14 (53%)



Team Pictures

Prime Time

Prime Time Owner Ara

Prime Time Owner Ara

The most hated and respected manager in the AFFL. Prime Time doesn't care what  you think about him or his teams. He's all about makin' dollas. One of the four original founding owners of the AFFL, Ara has earned his place amongst the top tier teams in the league. Unafraid to take risks, and a vacuum cleaner for running backs, Prime Time has a method all his own, one that can only be run by a man of his intellect and skill. Prime Time teams are usually deep, with a few wild cards thrown. His unconventional draft skills have back-fired on him at times (ie: drafting two quarterbacks in the first four rounds twice to trade one, only to do so for pennies on the dollar), but he has consistently reached the top of the post-season numerous times. With multiple top three finishes, and the only team that can claim two finals appearances, Prime Time is a player year in and year out.  Three things are for certain: Death, taxes, and Prime Time still hangin' around at the end of the year.

Prime Time Memes

Current Keepers