Bomba back as Commish as Prime Time Ousted; Text reveals Bomba went Cherry Picking
Raffi Lalazarian
After a tense trade exchange with team Hartan, Commissioner Lalazarian left the AFFL and his job as commissioner and handed over the reigns to Ara.
Today, he took those reigns back.
The Commissioners office released the following statement:
“After taking the last four weeks off, Commissioner Lalazarian has retaken the role of acting commissioner and striped Ara of any and all powers, effective immediately. We do not wish for Ara to strip or strip anything else of his governing body. We thank him for the admirable job he did during the four week period and look forward to his future involvement in the AFFL.”
Initial reports indicated that the stepping down of Commissioner Lalazarian was permanent, but this is obviously not the case.
However reports have surfaced of a text exchange between Ara and the Commissioner’s office indicating that the entire Prime Time era was a set-up from the beginning.
In the text obtained by the courier, a text sent to Prime Time on Friday Nov 8 at 7:58 am read “Drama in the affl… play along.. I’m gonna act like Im done.” This was after a missed call was found on Prime Times phone from the Commissioner on Thursday the day before. Was this all a set-up? Subsequent texts go on to instruct Ara on what to post in the chat, as the Commish had left it days earlier. It seemed like Ara was just a puppet Commish all along, and a large puppet at that.
During his absence, the Commish has been said to have taken a trip to a beach island and rejuvenated while partaking in a seasonal cherry picking festival.. He has since returned to the AFFL mainlands and plans to finish the season. Could he still step down the following year? Those close to him say that its a real possibility.
”The AFFL just experienced what running a league is like with no Commish communicating who is in charge, kind of like what the US has gone through over the last 5 months, “ said an anonymous AFFL team manager whose name rhymes with saucemness. “I think we need a Lala in there.”
With the playoffs now one week away, the question as to the future of the AFFL will have to wait until the next off season, when we will surely have more drama unfold. Stay tuned.