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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

AFFL Power Rankings.png

Power Ranks

Power Rankings reflect the overall strength of a team as decided upon by the AFFL Power Ranking Committee. Win-loss records are assessed with points scored, quality of wins/losses, depth, and other factors in order to determine the strongest teams in the AFFL.

Power Ranks

Week 7 Power rankings


1. Hartan

Ayuik 4.7, Evans 4.7.. but somebody stood out.


2. Vosgee Gyank

The voodoo worked. Allen stopped 6 yards short.

3. Grabbers

Sometimes you just can’t believe your luck.


4. Prime Time

Ara always playing down to his competition...

5. Awesomeness

As a lawyer, Awesomeness is aware of contempt...


6. Jaj Cousteau

Every week its the same story...

7. Cobra

Thank you for being a friend. Traveled down a road and back again..  

8. Prime time

When forward thinking is forward, but not forward enough.

 9. Shabam

A few more weeks til they can pull the rip chord... or else..

10. bOMBA

The MNF loss changed a lot of things..

11. HBK Shant Michaels

On this weeks FF is stupid: a back up Rb vs at top 5 WR.

12. BDizzle

When you're pretty much dead but still technically alive at the same time. The Fantasy football Skeletor team.