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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


About the AFFL

Raffi Lalazarian

In 2010, The AFFL was voted the best Fantasy Football league in America in Papa John's Fantasy to Reality contest, Judged by Matthew Berry, Antonio Gates and others.

In 2006, Mr. Raffi Lalazarian was in search of a league. A fantasy football league. He scoured the countryside for one that was committed to the highest standards of excellence and achievement. His search lead him to circumnavigate the fantasy football landscape; from the filthy shores of yahoo public leagues, to the East coast mock rooms of Espn. After a year of seeking, Mr. Lalazarian gave up.

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AFFL Constitution

Raffi Lalazarian

The Constitution of the AFFL


 Article I

The Governing Body


The AFFL will be run and operated by Commissioner Lalazarian and Frank Samian Head of AFFL operations.


Section 1           During the season, the commissioner will be responsible to efficiently run the day-to-day operations of the AFFL and will be required to interpret the appropriate course of action based on the terms outlined in the AFFL Constitution and by Yahoo Sports.

Section 2            An Advisory Committee made up of managers from 3 teams will help the Commissioner during the season.  This Committee will be in place to help offset any controversial decisions and or trades that might occur during the season. 

The advisory committee is made up of Managers from teams Cobra Kai, Hangin' and Bangin', and Hartan. Sayyad, Andre and Vartan will be the managers that will make up this committee.

The advisory committee will be contacted by the commissioner for decisions and should the majority of the committee have an issue with a trade or commissioner decision, that decision/trade will be nullified.

The committee will NOT be asked for their vote on all matters, but will rather have the opportunity to request for a committee vote to the commissioner should they feel that a trade/decision is unfair. Upon their request, the commissioner will ask the opinion of other committee members and the process will evolve into a vote if needed.

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