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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Cobra Kai

Should I get you a body bag?
  • Titles: 1

  • 2nd Place: 1

  • 3rd Place: 1

  • Dominates against: Awesome

  • Most trouble versus: None

Career Record: 90-92 (49%)

Post-Season Record: 8-7 (53%)



Team Pictures

Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai Owner Sayyad

Cobra Kai Owner Sayyad

Shrewd. Relentless. Conniving. Just like a snake. Cobra Kai is one of the more craftier teams in the league. That craftiness paid off in 2013, where five trades and a nights worth of lost sleep helped pave the way to Cobra's first AFFL title. Notorious for working the phones, Sayyad is a master at the art of the deal. Trader Sy is always looking for ways to improve his chances of winning. His method relies heavily on statistical and expert analysis, but isn't afraid to draft players on his own instinct. After going years of missing the playoffs, Cobra is looking to make sure everyone knows that the methods of the Kai are here to stay.

Cobra Kai Memes