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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


After Acquring Patrick Mahomes from BDiddy, Cobra trading history called into question. Collusion?

Raffi Lalazarian

BDiddy Traitor Logo.jpg

Will Cobra get canceled?

In a culture of digging up people’s pasts, it looks like the AFFL has finally gone woke and has pointed the woke cannon at Cobra Kai after a blockbuster trade that netted him the best Fantasy QB in the league from team BDiddy, who happens to be managed by Cobra’s brother Baret.

HBK sounded off on the AFFL Whatsapp board, splattering the chat with GIF’s galore, voicing his disdain for the yearly Cobra and Diddy trade.

“Wouldn’t be an AFFL season if we didn’t get the yearly Cobra-Diddy player swap,” said a snarky HBK. “Glad that’s out of the way.”

What followed was a waterfall of comments from the traders defending their cozy trading history.

Co-Manager of BDiddy, Mike, who is been surprisingly active this season despite his claim that he will be retiring at seasons end, rushed to the side of his Armenian-Sev themed co-managed team, like a hyestanci wife who just saw another woman scold her child. Amot!

“How many trades have you declined from Cobra?” Mike snapped back at HBK, insinuating that Cobra’s methods are universal and it just so happens that they are the beneficiaries of a numbers game.

But is he correct? Is Cobra merely spraying the field and just hoping someone bites? Is it coincidence that over the past 10 years, BDiddy and Cobra have made a trade in every season but two?

Below is a chart that has every BDiddy and Cobra trade since 2011.

Cobra trading history diddy.jpg

Over the past 10 season, Cobra and Diddy have traded 10 times, during every season except for two. In one season they traded twice. Comparing the total trades to all the trades made by Cobra during that span gets us closer to answering the question as to whether there is some shenanigans going on between the two teams.

Here is a comparison between BDiddy and all other teams that Cobra has traded with during that time.


The 10 trades made with BDiddy over the last 10 seasons exceed all other teams by an average margin of 6.3. Magnum Sev.i and Hartan are the only two teams that are better than half the number of trades made during that time at 6 and 5 respectively. All other teams have traded with Cobra 4 or less times. Looking at the chart above, there is clear evidence that the majority of the trades that are being made by Cobra are with one team over the entire league.

What happens when we compare the number of trades teams have made with Cobra to their total number of trades overall? Doing this may allow us to examine if the BDiddy phenomena appears with other teams. It stands to reason that if a teams total of trades during this time is relatively high, perhaps the percentage of trades with Cobra really won’t matter. Has BDiddy been trading with a lot of other teams in order to negate the above findings? Lets take a look

Below is a chart of the number of trades made with Cobra compared with all other teams since 2011


Here are the percentages of total trades teams made with Cobra during that span


Looking at the above graphs we can see that 76% of all trades made by BDiddy were with Cobra. You might as well say that Cobra is Diddy’s personal street supplier. Hartan and Shabam have also traded more than 60% of the time with Cobra. No other team crosses the 50% threshold, while Jaj does come close.

What is interesting to note is that Bomba has traded 19 teams over the past 10 years and not once has he managed to trade with Cobra. Is he being unfairly singled out?

So what can we conclude? Is there a tad bit of favoritism going on between BDiddy and Cobra? Perhaps so. Is it intentional? That will be left for the Whatsapp chatroom to discuss.

What is clear is that Cobra has made a lot of trades over the past 10 years with an overwhelming majority going to BDiddy during that time. He has manged to also be the primary trader with a few other teams, such as Hartan and Shabam as well. Regardless, nobody has benefited more from trading with Cobra than BDiddy, even though it has yet to garnish the team a title.

Should the AFFL go full woke and put in some “equity” trading clauses to even outcomes in the trading market? America has been keen on mandates lately so perhaps a mandate on Chakarian’s to trade with Lalazarian’s at least once per season would be fitting.

Then again, Cobra may already be putting a trade package together for Awesomeness as we speak. Bomba out again!