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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


Awesomeness Wins 3rd AFFL Title in 2020

Raffi Lalazarian

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Awesomeness completes a great season by knocking off HBK Shant Micheals in the 2020 AFFL finals and claims his 3rd AFFL title. Only two other teams have won 3 or more titles, Hartan and Bomba. It has been a magical ride for Awesomeness who recovered from losing Dak Prescott to cruise to a 10-3 record and the #1 overall seed. He has a 3-1 record in 4 finals appearances. With a few good keepers in Swift and Gibson, he’ll be the odds on favorite to repeat as champion in 2021.

HBK Shant Michaels missed an opportunity to claim his first AFFL title, but shouldn’t hang his head. He entered the season with no keepers and managed his way through the waiver wire to an 8-5 record and 4th place finish. It was a job well done.

Grabbers finished as the 3rd place victor, knocking off Vosgee gyank by a hefty 50 point margin. Look for Grabbers to come back strong in 2021 with Sanders as his top keeper.