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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.

Vosgereechee Gyank

Vosgee in da’ Hoooouse
  • Titles: 1

  • 2nd Place: 0

  • 3rd Place: 1

  • Dominates against: None

  • Most trouble versus: Bomba, Hartan, Shabam

Career Record: 83-99 (46%)

Post-Season Record: 6-5 (55%)



Team Pictures

Vosgereechee Gyank

Vosgee Owner Mardig

Vosgee Owner Mardig

How do you categorize a team like the Vosgee? You can't. Team Gyank hasn't had success in the AFFL like most teams, but that doesn't mean he's not an influential player.  Owner Mardig builds his teams around consistent production, opting for more substance than flash. You won't find a lot of high risk, high reward guys on Gyank teams, rather guys who can be relied on week in and week out. The conservative approach could be the reason why Vosgee has only made the playoffs once during his entire AFFL career, finishing 5th in 2008. Should Gyank catch lightening in a bottle and make the post-season, he would be one of the most entertaining teams to follow. You must always know to expect the unexpected when it comes to the Vosgeegereech.  Is this the year that that he gets back to the playoff hoooouse? Oh what fun that would be.

Vosgereechee Gyank Memes

Current Keepers