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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


The only team that can beat Hartan is Varout. Simple.
  • Titles: 3*      (1 in 10 team format)

  • 2nd Place: 0

  • Dominates against: Jaj, Shabam, Grabbers,

  • Most trouble versus: Bomba


Career Record: 105-77 (58%)

Post-Season Record: 11-10(52%)



Team Pictures


Hartan Owner Vartan

Hartan Owner Vartan

Hartan Owner Root

Hartan Owner Root

The numbers always tell a story, and with Hartan that story is one of ebbs and flows. It use to be that the team was stuck in mediocrity, finishing in 8th place seemingly almost every year. Being too conservative in assembling their rosters hurt the team in early years, but owners Vartan and Harout have grown to take more risk. They finished 4th in 2011-2013, and then finally rose above the fray to win their first 12 team title in 2015. A Hartan draft is as entertaining to watch as ever. A unique number system is used to select players. The code has yet to be deciphered, but it looks like the system is working.

Hartan Memes

Current Keepers