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Los Angeles

The AFFL is the best Fantasy Football league West of Yerevan.


It’s a bad week to play us bro.
  • Titles: 0

  • 2nd Place: 0

  • 3rd Place: 4

  • Dominates against: Vosgee

  • Most trouble versus: Shabam, Bomba, HBK

Career Record: 78-92 (45%)

Post-Season Record: 8-5 (61%)



Team Pictures


BDiddy Owner Baret

BDiddy Owner Baret

Minority Owner (2nd) Monkey Mike

Minority Owner (2nd) Monkey Mike

Minority owner (3rd) Tig 'ol Big

Minority owner (3rd) Tig 'ol Big

While the championships haven't come, BDiddy is one of the more successful franchises in the league. Their franchise is defined by its consistency. They are one of only a handful of teams that can claim multiple top 3 finishes.  They've made the playoffs in all but one year since their teams inception. With the analytical guru Monkey Mike crunching numbers and Tig' 'ol Big rounding out any rough opinions, Baret oversees an operation that is as sophisticated as any in the AFFL. They have back-up plans for back-up plans. Nothing gets by them. It's only a matter of time that they break through and hold up the AFFL trophy with pride. Of course, if you ask them, they'd much rather it be sooner than later.

BDiddy Memes