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Los Angeles

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HBK Purchases Pool Equipment to Help Prep for Draft

Raffi Lalazarian

HBK preping for draft on Sophia the swan. Unorthodox Draft prep is a norm in the AFFL, but this is pushing it.

Some managers buy football magazines. Others listen to radio shows. How far down the list do you think buying an inflatable swan is? For HBK, it's number one.

In preparing for the 2014 AFFL Draft, HBK Shant Michaels reveled that he does most of his mock drafting and draft analysis while floating on inflatable animals in a pool for hours on end. He has been known to ask the animals what they think of a player, and should the small ripples of the water send him and his blow-up friend in a direction that is unfavorable to HBK's liking, he will immediately cross that player off the draft board. He does this for weeks leading up to the draft. Why he has to be nude while on the animal we have no idea.

The reports claim that HBK has been doing this since 2008, where he first purchased an inflatable gorilla named Zovan, and would spend some three hours floating on the ape and eating a banana while reading football magazines. When Zovan deflated due to an unfortunate incident with a gang of wasps, HBK then purchased a dinosaur he named Poochik, which lasted for a few years. He's now got the joy of floating on the back of Sophia the Swan. Talar, girlfriend of HBK, shared some more insight on the unusual method.

He loves to just float for hours in deep thought, talking to Sophia. Then he'll get excited and flip her over when they agree on a pick. It's so cute. Right now they've been flipping over whether to keep AP or Alshon Jeffery.

HBK has notoriously been a fairly solid drafter, but has yet to establish his sweet chin music as  part of a regular symphony during the AFFL postseason year in and year out. If he does indeed win the title in 2014, he'd be the first manager to have done so with the help of an inflatable Swan. It truly is fantasy football season.