Co-Managers Boycott: Commissioner releases Statement Eliminating Co-Manager Term
After approving a league wide fee for teams that have more than one manager, Members of those teams staged a boycott of all AFFL activities effective Wednesday night, throwing the league into a frenzy. League Offices were flooded with phone calls from concerned fans that their favorite teams may fold. Rumors began to float that the league is already looking to replace those teams who boycotted with the many managers waiting to enter the league. Oh and the AFFL draft is scheduled for Sunday amidst the meltdown.
To deal with the situation, The Commissioner has released the following statement.
Commissioner Statement In Regard To Managers Fees:
Since 2007, the AFFL has made it a point to provide fans a league full of competition, inclusion and fair play. Over the 11 years that the league has functioned, there have been many ups and downs, controversies, and mishaps that have threatened the sanctity of the league. Who after all can forget the Bomba/Cobra Kai feud of 2009? Still, through it all, the league has stuck together and grown at every step to embrace the culture of today.
With that said, co-managers will no longer exist in the AFFL. We understand the plight of BDiddy, Hartan, Shabam Shadiq, and Magnum Sev.i as the label carries with it a negative connotation. Feeling of being lesser than other teams. We are sensitive to the inclusion of these teams into the fabric of the AFFL, as they have helped make the league what it is today. We as the AFFL must strive to treat others equally, even when faced with the prospect that certain teams are different than others. We are all equal, and the number of hands a manager wishes to have on his governing body should not separate us from that truth. From this point forth, co-managers do not exist.
Teams will now be referred to as Bi-managerial or Trans-managerial, recognizing their choice in choosing one or multiple partners to express their fantasy skills. Despite what social science may tell us (that decisions are made by one person no matter how many are working together) we will recognize the Bi’ness and Trans'ness of our manager counter parts. And if you’re thinking about going Bi or Trans, that’s okay too. We still love you.
From this point forth, all Bi-Managers and Trans- Managers will be subject to a $30 fee per manager beyond the head manager. Any new Bi-managers will be subject to a $50 fee. These fees will help offset the competitive advantage of having multiple guys kooning the FA list while others are busy. In the words of Baret himself, “I’m going to sleep, Mikey will wake up early and will see who clears.” Being “Bi” means you get the best of both worlds. Or in this case, “Trans”. Pay up.
Managers of the Bi & Trans teams have informed the league they intend to boycott “all league activities.” Keepers lock Thurs. at Midnight. Their team’s keepers will not be recognized until they formally announce their intent to participate in the AFFL.
Thank you, and we look forward to a great year of continues prosperity for the best Fantasy football league west of Yerevan.
Commissioner Lalazarian